Having had a C-section with my daughter and a vaginal birth with my son, I have a unique perspective and insight into both procedures. Some things a mom needs right after a C-section are VERY different than after a vaginal delivery. Read on for 10 Secretsfor a faster C-Section recovery . If you want an idea about what goes on during the surgery and in hospital, CLICK HERE for my Delivery Day Post
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For Bleeding– Yes you still have vaginal bleeding after having a C-section. This can last a few weeks. So you will need something at home for the post-partum bleeding.
1.) Large Kotex maxi-pads- I used these Women’s disposable underwear in the hospital, so by the time I got home I wanted soft fabric for underwear. I chose these High Rise Micro-Fiber briefs from Hanes. Fabric was soft, stretchy and breathable. Best of all HIGH-WAIST, which you will need after the C-section. You won’t want anything lying over or putting pressure on your incision site. I used these large Maxi-pads with wings to absorb the blood and it worked just great.

For Vagina– This is the one big difference from a vaginal delivery. You need nothing for the vagina after a C-Section. So don’t worry about stocking up on Dermaplast, witch hazel pads or sitz bath salts. Some wet wipes or a peri-bottle would be helpful though, as you will be bleeding for a few weeks so the wipes and peri-bottle are nice for clean-up after using the restroom. Just keep them next to the toilet.

For Abdomen/C-section scar:
2.)Abdominal Binder– In my opinion this is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT item in the 10 Secrets for a faster C-Section Recovery list. Unlike after a vaginal birth, after a C-Section birth you will feel like your insides are about to spill out onto the floor.
You need some type of abdominal binder, for the support. Most hospitals will give you one after your surgery, but it’s hard, cheaply made and definitely NOT for short torso women. I used the hospital binder for 2 weeks until I had to wash it and it literally unraveled in the dryer. I got this belly bandit and it was perfect for post C-section. Soft and flexible without the hard boning that makes sitting impossible. GAMECHANGER.

3.)High Waisted Yoga Pants/leggings– I’m not big on yoga pants. They are thick and itchy and honestly just too damn constricting, especially after a c-section. I opted for thin, stretchy, soft leggings and 1 or 2 sizes too big. You probably already know this, but you won’t be able to fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans right after birth and you won’t want to! All of my leggings were high waisted as I wanted NOTHING touching my C-section scar.
4.)Colace– You were just cut open and some of your insides put on the table next to you. Expect some delays in the GI department. All things will be running slow, expect consipation. Also, If you haven’t read this yet…that first poop after a C-section REALLY SUCKS. It’s a sharp pain and it is not pleasant so make sure you’re prepared for that. I took Colace for around 2 weeks until I felt my bowels were regular again.
5.) Mederma– I started using these strips after about 6 weeks when I got the OK from my OB. It really does help reduce the redness and puffiness of the scar. If you tend to keloid then I’d say definitely use these silicone strips. They make a cream too, but I never used it.
6.) Massage oil– ONLY DO THIS ONCE SCAR IS HEALED AND WITH OB APPROVAL. Once you get the OK from your OBGYN I would definitely start scar massages, this prevents scar tissue from adhering to the fascial layers, which can result in the dreaded C-Section shelf. I used Sweet almond oil as it’s fragrance-free and you can wipe it off without it leaving behind that oily residue like with coconut oil. There is a technique to it so, read my Post HERE on Cross-Friction Massage and Gua Sha for C-Section Scars. Scar massage makes a huge difference between a nice flat belly post CS or a CS shelf that you can never hide. If there is any take away from 10 Secrets for a faster C-Section Recovery post, it should be this…MASSAGE THE HELL OUT OF YOUR SCAR. When it’s healed of course.
7.) Stool– I had to buy 2 stools. One for my bedroom, because my bed is higher than waist level and another stool for the nursery, because It was so painful reaching over the crib rails to put my daughter in her crib. Trying to climb up into our bed at night was the worst, I flat out couldn’t do it. Hip flexors and abdominal muscles were not working lol. You never realize how many things require the use of core muscles…until you have a C-section, then you become VERY AWARE. I’d say if you’re a shorty (me) and your bed is above hip level then get a stool, jumping up onto the bed is also not an option. Just get a stepstool, you’re welcome.
8.) Compression Socks– These could be optional for you, for me it was necessary. I had horrible lower extremity swelling after my C-Section. It lasted for weeks, just would not go down. I tried foot baths, propping my feet up on pillows while nursing and sleeping, k-taping, my husband even bought me one of those electric foot massagers that you stick your feet in and they heat up. Nothing, nothing worked, except my pregnancy compression socks.
They kept the swelling out of the feet, which is amazing because when your feet swell they get tingly and achy and it is miserable.
These socks from Kindred Bravely are the only ones I would wear, soft and not itchy. Compression socks just suck, but these were pretty cozy
9.) Nursing pillow– If you’re going to breastfeed then a nursing pillow is SO helpful after a C-Section. 2 are very popular, My Breast Friend Pillow and The Boppy. I recieved the Boppy at my baby shower with baby #1 so I used that as that’s what I had and what I’d used with first baby. I have heard wonderful things about both pillows, I think it’s just personal preference. You will use a nursing pillow like crazy after a C-section because you cannot use your abdominal/core muscles to stabilize the baby while nursing (you can use them after a vaginal delivery).
10.) Nursing bras-WIRELESS– I wouldn’t call this for a C-Section mom only. This is a necessity for all new moms. Go WIRELESS, I found this out the hard way. We all know that boobs get like twice as big after pregnancy (I went from a 34DD to a 34G).
In the beginning when breastfeeding your breasts become engorged with milk, they feel hard as a rock and are super full and firm…think Jessica Rabbit.
Not as great as it sounds because they hurt and are sore and have to be emptied. Point is you won’t want hard wire constricting the engorged tissue, especially on the sides of the breast because you can get clogged ducts. They suck!!! I have a whole post on how to unclogged milk ducts and you can read it HERE. Kindred Bravely has some amazing nursing bras that are super comfy. The brand just makes these products with comfort in mind, so I’m such a fan! They also have a pumping and nursing bra in one, which is so awesome if you nurse and pump or do so in tandem. If Breastfeeding then CLICK HERE for my post on Keys to Successful Breastfeeding
11.) Slip on shoes Bending over after a C-Section is SO PAINFUL. You will not want to tie shoes or shimmy your feet into form-fitting footwear. I lived in my slip-on house shoes. My husband would put some fluffy warm socks on my feet before he left in the morning and I could just slip my foot in these slip-ons if I took baby for a stroller walk or walk to the mailbox (I had winter babies…so It was a very quick stroller walk).
12.) Pain Medication– Stay on top of your pain ladies. This is one of the most important tips in 10 Secrets for a faster C-Section Recovery. In the hospital you have the epidural line still inserted and it will give you pain medication when you need or push that magical little button. When you’re discharged that epidural line is taken out.
If you wait too long to take your pain meds at home then that pain will hit you like a ton of bricks. People tend to forget that a C-Section is a MAJOR abdominal surgery.
You will need pain meds at home so pick up those prescriptions on way home from hospital, do not wait. Take the meds as prescribed, you will have a rough time taking care of you and baby if you’re in severe pain and don’t want to move. Take them as prescribed by your OB and not when the pain hits, because once the meds wear off and the pain creeps up it can get difficult to control.
13.) ASK FOR HELP AND TRY TO REST YOUR BODY– This is the single most important tip, ask for help. Even when you don’t think you need it. Your body just gave birth and you are recovering. Not to mention you now have a tiny little life depending on you, that is SO much. Do not overburden yourself with silly things and neglect your body, you have to physically heal. I did not do this with my daughter after the C-section. I tried to do everything, I actually ended up opening up my C-section scar and getting it infected…had to have it packed, antibiotics etc. IT WAS NOT PLEASANT. You must rest your body when you can. I know every mom out there hates to hear this, I know I did, but the damn dishes can wait. Take care of yourself.